This Campaign has ended. No more donations can be made.


This Ramadhan, Sileh contribution for April and May 2020 is dedicated to providing food packages for the deprived areas of Kerman province (Iran).
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing financial difficulties, the locals have been struggling to buy the basic food items and some don’t even know what they have for iftar.
Thus far we have been able to reach out to few local villages of Kerman province, basic items including rice, pasta, and oil.
However, there are many more villages and families to reach out to which is only possible to achieve through generous donations from people like you.
Will you help us reach out to the many villages and families who are still eagerly waiting for supplies?

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The above video is the activity report of the month of April 2020 of Sileh for Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten His reappearance)

Alhamdulillah, the Sileh’s contribution in April and May 2020 for providing food packages to the deprived areas of Kerman province was successful during the holy month of Ramadhan

The list that follows details the areas (in the Ramashk rural district) that the packages were sent to:
Hashem abad Village, Aliabad Village, Taikan Village, Pizki Village, Darzeh Village.

The following clip provides a brief insight into the project being carried out.

Thank you and may we all be in the prayers of our Saviour, Imam Mahdi May Allah hasten His reappearance

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